Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a subscription to a lottery?


A subscription allows you to play every consecutive draw of your favorite lottery until you cancel it, ensuring you will never miss another draw. You pay for your participation in the draws as you go, and you can change your numbers at any time. You can pause/reactivate your Subscription by selecting Active/Not Active from the drop down menu in the Status row at Subscriptions at any time.


How do I subscribe?


To subscribe to a lottery online, select the lottery of your choice and choose to subscribe by checking the subscribe option beneath the numbers field.


How do I change my subscription numbers?


To change your subscription’s numbers, please go to the Play form of the specific lottery in question, select your new favorite numbers, and click the floppy disk icon on the right side of the My Lucky Numbers button to save them.

Make sure you're using Lucky Numbers for your subscription by following these steps: Go to My Account, click on Subscriptions, go to the subscription you wish to use Lucky Numbers for, and make sure that "From Lucky Numbers" is selected in the dropdown box. Click the Save button underneath if you made any changes.

Please note: Subscription tickets are purchased as soon as a draw opens, therefore any changes to your numbers will only take effect the next draw.


How do I pause/reactivate my subscription?


You can pause/cancel your subscription at any time by going to Subscriptions in your account, clicking on the active subscription, and submitting your cancellation request in the Subscription Settings. Our Customer Service team will swiftly process your cancellation of the subscription.

To reactivate a subscription head to Subscriptions in your account, and click on the inactive subscription that you wish to reactivate. Now simply click ‘Purchase Again’.

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